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Did you know about Bermuda traingle and its facts and Mysteries

Facts and mysteries of Bermuda Triangle.

  • The Bermuda Triangle, is a lossely defined region in the western part of the north Atlantic Ocean where the number of ships and aircraft are disappeared under mysterious circumstances because of that Bermuda Triangle is known as Devil traingle or hurricane alley.
  • Most of  the reputable sources like, scientists, government etc dismiss the idea that there is mystery.

Version of Bermuda Traingle/devil traingle

  • Popular culture has attributed many disappearances to the Paranormal and alein beings. The area of Bermuda Traingle is 5,00,000 miles. Upto 150 incident happens here and include upto 100 incident without records.

How Bermuda Traingle named?

  • In 1964 first time Vincent Gaddis introduced this incident in his book, and  Vincent draw line according to incident and named it Bermuda Traingle. After publishing of this books peolpe start knowing about Bermuda Traingle. After it many stories and myths introduced and other books published.

Myths about Bermuda Traingle.

  • The greatest myth about Bermuda Traingle is when the ship and aircraft are disappear the reason behind it are alein, according to some myth alein kidnap the people of ship and aircraft for there experiments.

Facts of bermuda Traingle.

  1. Bermuda Traingle is a remote paradise in Atlantic ocean and full of mysteries and facts. Bermuda Traingle is big mystery worldwide. From hurricane to disappear of craft and aircraft, ghosts and UFO'S and even marie creature there is no conspiracy theories to explain Bermuda Traingle.
  2. Situated in the open sea, Bermuda is an exposed island, beacuse of which hurricane across all the direction, off the coast converge to make a deadly ocean phenomenon known as rogue wave.
  3. Strange forces theory cames into being in 1942 when seafarer christopher columbus saw something strange while sailing in ocean. Columbus said that a flame of fire crashed into the sea and light arise. And also noticed that his campus not working. Then he also disappear in this ocean and convinced unknown forces aare at work in this part of ocean. After that Mariners believe that this Traingle is disloyal.
  4. During summer, bermuda island experience powerful thunderstorm,hurricane  that create a big black clouds, with unbelievable rapid speed and overturn. According to theory because of that storm and hurricane people are missing in mysterious way.
  5. There are many claims to find out many of flying Souchage in that part,but perhaps none stranger than ghost ships.some myths said that ghost ship apper when in aircraft and ship goes and then ghost kill them.


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