Amazing facts of 2020 1. Why milk taste similiar as sweet and curd is sour? Milk is made of water, fats, proteins, lactose and minerals. Lactose is a type of sugar like sucrose. It gives milk a sweet taste. Lactose free milk is made for people who are allergic to lactose by breaking it down with the enzyme lactase. But Curd is formed when Lactobacillus bacteria reproduce. If the milk is not transferred to a cool place, then milk turns sour and turn into curd because the bacteria continue to multiply and produce more lactic acid inside the milk. This lactic acid makes curd sour in taste. 2. Why soft drink bottle are not flat bottomed? Soft drink and soda bottles, especially those made of plastic are not flat bottomed. The foot of the bottles usually has 5 bumps (corrugation). The bottles are not designed so to give it a fancy look. You will not find these bumps in water bottles or juice bottles. Water bottles have small indents to improve the stability of the bottl
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