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Showing posts from March, 2020

Amazing facts of 2020

  Amazing facts of 2020 1. Why milk taste similiar as sweet and curd is sour?  Milk is made of water, fats, proteins, lactose and minerals. Lactose is a type of sugar like sucrose. It gives milk a sweet taste. Lactose free milk is made for people who are allergic to lactose by breaking it down with the enzyme lactase. But Curd is formed when Lactobacillus bacteria reproduce. If the milk is not transferred to a cool place, then milk turns sour and turn into curd because the bacteria continue to multiply and produce more lactic acid inside the milk. This lactic acid makes curd sour in taste. 2. Why soft drink bottle are not flat bottomed?  Soft drink and soda bottles, especially those made of plastic are not flat bottomed. The foot of the bottles usually has 5 bumps (corrugation). The bottles are not designed so to give it a fancy look. You will not find these bumps in water bottles or juice bottles. Water bottles have small indents to improve the stability of the bottl

Amazing Facts you must know.

5 amazing facts you must know. Why prisoners are asked for last wish?  In most states and various countries where the death penalty is legal, it's customary to give sentenced prisoners a special last meal at their request. Every Prisoner in this world who is sentenced to death is asked for his favorite last meal. The reason behind it is not to fulfill the last wish of the prisoners, but bribe the ghost / Spirit of the prisoner so that it does not haunt the executioners, police or judge. Why toe rings are weared in indian culture ? Indians believe that your "prana" or "life force" should be balanced to stay healthy. All the paths of your "prana" go to your toes that the concept that marital status can turn into a successful enhancer is not a huge effort. As Toe rings are made up of silver and it acts as a good conductor, they both absorb the energy of the polar energies from the earth and transmit it to the body, thus help

How life on earth began

How life on earth began Today we human are advanced, we can see many light year away from earth, We can go in space, and discovered many planets, because of science we can get are answers, but we don't know correctly how the life began in earth. How life on earth began is one of the greatest mysteries in the universe . To find the answer scientists are investigating problem in many ways. Some scientists studying about how life on earth began is it comes from our earth or any other planets. According to some theories aleins comes and start life here, some scientists fare trying to finds fossil and  Life in other planets or moon to detect  how life began on earth. According to scientists 77 lakh species are present in earth but only 15percent of species are identified but the mysteries is was that how the comes. To know how life began on earth we have to go in flashback around 4500 billion years. Earth planets rotating over sun when earth was a huge lava b

Stonehenge mystery and facts.

The reality and mystery of Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wilshire ,England ,3 km away from west of Amesbury. It consists of rings of standing stones each one around 13 feet high and 7 feet wide and weight around 25 tons. Archaeologists believe it was constructed from 3000 BC to 2000 BC and are one of the most famous landmark of United Kingdoms . The biggest of Stonehenge's stone known as sarsens are up to 30 feet tall and are 25 tons in weight. It is widely believed that they are brough from Marlborough downs ,  a distance of 32 km to the north .  Smaller stones known as bluestones.        weight up to 4 tons and are come from different sites in western Wales,  having been transported 225 km, that's huge. This remains a mystery that how 5000 years ago people of that area managed to transport such heavy stones from one place to another with an distance of 32km and 225 km and why do they do it?.  Recent experiments show that it i

Area 51. The base of aliens and its facts and mystery.

The story behind Area 51. Area 51 is highly classified united states air Force(USAF) facility located within in Naveda Test and Training Range away 83 miles from  Las vegas . At the time of world war 2 there are areas for boom and military test like area1, area2, area3, and Area 51 was also include in those boom teating area.  In 1997 on COAST TO COAST AM (radio show). They received a call of a men how claims that he was a formal employ of Area 51, and he tell that Area 51 was based on interdimensional Beings(ALEIN) where underground tunnel are presents for the research of ALEINS and there spaces crafts by which they gains the knowledge how they flys without fuel, he also said that the team of area 51 captured aliens for researches, the team also discovered that metal which alein used in the crafts are unknown at that time but the atomic value of the metal was 115 which helps to create ati gravity easily and flys the spacecraft without fuels. After that t

bhangarh fort

Bhangarh fort the haunted place. Bhargarh fort was build in 17th century,  it was built by king  Bhagwat das for his younger son Madho singh. It is situated in alwar(rajasthan). Bhangarh known as the haunted place of India . Bhargarh was famous because of there haunted story and mysterious events occur in past. According to paranormal expert and indian government this place is declared as haunted place in india and strictly not allowed to go after 5 p.m in bhangarh . Story of bhangarh for t Citizen lives near bhangarh fort says that Bhangarh story is based on Rani ratnavati, her beauty was nonpareil and story of physical attraction even trancended kingdom and borders. When rani ratnavati turn eighteen, price of several states and country asked to marry Rani Ratnavati. One day magicain sighia see ratnavati and fall in love with her because of her beauty. When Rani Ratnvati went market to buy perfume magician sighia enchanted the oil she was purchasing wi

Facts and mysteries of ancient egypt

Facts and mysteries  about pyramid. If i ask you a question that which is the best place and beautiful place in earth then i think you guy's says Jammu kashmir,Switzerland, Paris or etc. But if i ask u that tell me which place on earth is most mysterious and full of facts which u not know whats the answer is, its Egypt . before 400 years later Egyptian are ruling in Egypt, and in there ruling time the introduce many beautiful arts , but they have many mysteries which didn't solve at this time like, lives of alien in egypt, alignment of pyramid  with stars, nature A.C inside pyramid. These are the mysteries which are bbeyond the science today. Mysteries of Pyramid. How the build that type of building with perfect posture and alone or someone helps them to build suspect  is  aliens. Pyramid of egypt  are mastered piece And includes in world famous place in world. Ancient Egyptians believed that when the king died, part of his spirit (known as “ka”) remained

21 day lockdown in india

Reason for 21 days of lockdown in india To prevent from coronavirus india's government take 21 days of lockdown(janta crfue) in which there is no permission to go outside there home. It is the world biggest lockdown appeal.  Prime minister Narendra Modi declared that to prevent for carona virus there is no prevention except lockdown , the main reason for lockdown is to break the chain of caronavirus spread. According to theory if 21 day lockdown fails country goes to 21 year past situation. Need for 21 days lockdown. To break the chain of spreading caronavirus the appeal takes place. To prevant from the 3 STAGE of caraonavirus.Where we need to stop the communication of people with other. Cases in india of caronavirus. India is hoping to break the chain of Coronavirus spread which has infected  hundreds of people so far. The total number of Coronavirus positive cases in India reached 519 on Tuesday. This includes 39 discharged people and 9 d

Did you know about Bermuda traingle and its facts and Mysteries

Facts and mysteries of Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle,  is a lossely defined region in the western part of the north Atlantic Ocean where the number of ships and aircraft are disappeared under mysterious circumstances because of that Bermuda Triangle is known as Devil traingle or hurricane alley. Most of  the reputable sources like, scientists, government etc dismiss the idea that there is mystery. Version of Bermuda Traingle/devil traingle Popular culture has attributed many disappearances to the Paranormal and alein beings. T he area of Bermuda Traingle is 5,00,000 miles. Upto 150 incident happens here and include upto 100 incident without records. How Bermuda Traingle named? In 1964 first time Vincent Gaddis introduced this incident in his book, and  Vincent draw line according to incident and named it Bermuda Traingle. After publishing of this books peolpe start knowing about Bermuda Traingle . After it many stories and myths introduced and other books

Mysterious facts of mona lisa painting and its secrets

Did u know about Mona Lisa painting and its Facts? The M ona Lisa  is painting by the italian artist L eonardo da Vinci  the painting is half-lenght portrait. It is described as " the best know, the most written about,the most visited, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world, and  considered  as  archetypal masterpiece of italian Renaissance. Why mona lisa painting is special? Leonardo da Vinci exploited an optical illusion to create a unique smile which take 12 years to complete. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa that the eyes of her fall directly in center of vision of the viewers, and lips fall just under the periphery of one's vision. How much time the painting takes? Da vinci take 14 years to complete the painting and 12 year to create illusion of lips. Where is real Mona Lisa painting?   The Mona Lisa painting is one of the most emblematic portrait in the art history, And located in Louvre.

Is it true quitting gym increase weight.

Quitting gym increase wei ght ? Is you stop going gym beacuse of your other work.A few factor may contribute to an increase in you bodyfat when you stop working out:first,your calorie requirement will you lose muscle mass,your metabolism slowdown as your muscles lose some of their ability to burn fat . When you stop exercising ,both VO2 max and the heart ability to pump blood efficiently start to decline.the exact rate will vary,but studies suggest that after about two weekof inactivity you'll notice some change. It is not good to leave gym for increase weight beacause it increase weight but weight was fats not muscle,so there are more method to increase weight natural by growing muscle like to do exercise which contain more attraction like deadlift,beanchpress.etc which increase your weight and muscle also without any harm..

Fact of india

Why india is famous??? India is most famous for his its culture where we have a myraid of culture from all around the world coming together and falling into one place. india is famous for its unity in diversity pledge... india is famous  for its species and cuisine is world famous, no doubt in that. flag of india Why india is called BHARAT?? The name india is derived from the river sindhu which flows in the north west of the country.The greeks used to call us indoi meaning the people of the indus. BHARAT etymology: the name BHARAT is derived from the legendary king BHARAT  who was ancestor of kauravas and pandavas ;son of king dushyanta and shankuntala.. Facts about india India is never invaded any country in her last 10000years of history. When many cultures wese only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000year ago,indians established hrappan culture in sindhu valley(indus valley civilization). The name 'india' is derived from river indus, the valley ar

Jallianwala bagh massacre

                           Jallianwala bagh masscre The  Jallianwala Bagh massacre , also known as the  Amritsar massacre , took place on 13 April 1919, when Acting Brigadier-General  Reginald Dyer ordered troops of the  British Indian Army  to fire their rifles into a crowd of unarmed Punjabi civilians   in  Jallianwala Bagh ,  Amritsar ,  Punjab , killing at least 400 people including men and women. Over 1,000 people were injured.    The entrance to Jallianwala Bagh is via a narrow passage, the same passage that was the only entry and exit point at the time of the massacre and the same route that General Dyer and his troops took to reach the grounds. At the entrance is a statue of Udham Singh. Once entered, some old trees can be seen in the garden with some buildings at the back. With the words ' Vande Mataram ', a flame titled 'Amar Jyoti' is seen burning to the right under a domed meditation area. The portico pillars, just inside the garden, rep